03 Jul

Canada will witness the euphoria of cricket–hungry fans across the world, as it hosts the T20 Niagara Fest 2020 at the Niagara Cricket Center.

Spread over seven days, the T20 tournament will host 12 league matches for six days followed by one qualifier semi-final on 22nd July at 09.30. The grand finale will be played on the same day, 22nd July, at 13.00. The league matches will be scheduled at 09.30 and 13.00 on 16th, 17th, 18th, 19th, 20th and 21st July. (All timings are Canadian Time).

The winner will walk away with 50,000 Canadian Dollars.

The tournament has approval from Cricket Council of Ontario and it is organised by Niagara Cricket Club and Virsa Foundation. The objective of the event is to bring cricket back for the cricket fans, boost the local talent and the profile of cricket in Canada.

Four teams Vancouver Stars, Moncton Heroes, Toronto Tigers and Niagara Wonders will be participating in the tournament. Icon players like Rizwan Cheema, Captain of the Canadian National team, Bhupindar Singh and Harmandeep Singh, Global T20 players, Navneet Dhaliwal, Ravindrapal Singh and Cecil Pervez, along with Canadian National players will take part in the tournament.

Fans can watch Canada T20 Niagara fest live from 16th July 2020 to 22nd July 2020 on One Sports, the channel partner.

John Stephenson


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