20 Jun

Cricket Australia (CA) needs a woman to run the board and has excellent candidates available, according to star all-rounder Ellyse Perry.

CA have appointed Nick Hockley as interim CEO to replace Kevin Roberts, who resigned this week after months of criticism over his leadership, and the board intend to conduct a global search for his permanent successor.

Perry, however, suggests they need only look as far as Western Australia Cricket Association boss Christina Matthews, or at senior women in head office, for a long-term solution.

“I think Cricket Australia has been ready for a female CEO for a long time,” Perry told reporters in a video call on Friday. I know Chris (Matthews) was in discussions for the last round of hiring for the role. I don’t think it’s something that’s new.

“We’ve got a number of women working in high executive roles in CA, Belinda Clark and Steph Beltrame to name a couple.”

Both Clark and Beltrame are long-time staffers at CA with former Australia captain Clark running community cricket and Beltrame the broadcasting and commercial portfolio in the executive team.

“They are absolutely pivotal in the way that we operate. So, yeah, I think there’s some really strong representation. We have been incredibly fortunate” said Perry.

Fears the women’s game might be diminished as part of a cost-cutting restructure to deal with the impact of COVID-19 were allayed this week, with the board confirming the full summer schedule would be retained.

“I know from a player and staffing perspective, we feel very grateful given everything that’s been going on.”

John Stephenson


#CricketAustralia #EllysePerry

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