14 Jun

Cricket South Africa (CSA) has clarified that its CEO, Thabang Moroe, remains suspended after he attempted to return to work on Thursday morning (11 June).

Moroe was suspended on December 6, 2019 amid allegations of misconduct, and Dr Jacques Faul was appointed temporary replacement, initially for a period of six months. Moroe is facing charges, which include credit card misuse, and even though his case remains unresolved he tried to resume his position, but found the organisation's doors locked as CSA's staff have been working from home since late March. CSA's Board has now confirmed he remains suspended and cannot return to work.

"The letter of suspension issued to the Chief Executive Officer explicitly stated that he was suspended until the conclusion of the independent forensic investigation. This investigation is not yet complete and therefore the Chief Executive Officer remains suspended and any assertion that his suspension was for a pre-determined period is without basis," a CSA statement issued late on Thursday read.

They also confirmed the delay in Moore's case is due to the unfinished forensics audit, which they expect "imminently."

Earlier in the week, the South African Cricketers' Association (SACA) accused CSA's Board of lacking the will to complete the Moroe case and of deliberate delaying tactics. SACA cited that six other staff members, who were all suspended late last year, have had their proceedings completed and SACA believes CSA has sufficient evidence to proceed on Moroe without the audit.

CSA denied SACA's claim. "This remains a matter of utmost concern to the Board. The Board wishes to assure all stakeholders and the public that this matter is receiving all the attention it deserves. However, the Board is also at pains to ensure that due process is followed at all times," the statement said.

They promised "more clarity" before the end of June. Until then, Moroe remains in full pay of R 350,000 a month (US$ 20,800), even though CSA is facing major financial losses.

John Stephenson


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