30 Jan

SKY247.net, the fast growing sports portal, have a collaboration with the ECB (Emirates Cricket Board) resulting in a “powered by” naming sponsorship. 

The Abu Dhabi T10 powered by sky247.net is taking place between 28th of January to the 6th of February 2021. 

The fourth edition of cricket fastest growing league in the world has eight teams ready to clinch for the tittle on the cricket’s fastest format and will be played at Sheikh Zayed Cricket Stadium, Abu Dhabi. 

João Coimbra, Sky247 Marketing Manager, said, “We believe, the ten-over format is going to dominate the future of cricket and as Abu Dhabi T10 is the world’s first professional cricket tournament that has captured the global cricketers’ attention. We are very excited to be partnering with them.” 

Sky247 has recently sponsored the D20 cricket tournament in the UAE, and this kind of partnership is part of the company marketing strategies. 

“We see UAE cricket as a big potential market where we start seeing a big growth and we want to be part of it, but this is just a small reason why we took this partnership forward. The main reason is the fact that this kind of tournament are a huge opportunity for the brand growth and has everything to do with Sky brands were we are able to support the growth of a sport that is already huge,” Mr João Coimbra added. 

John Stephenson 


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