27 May

The Johannesburg cricket club Central Gauteng Lions (CGL), the most successful domestic side in South Africa, has appointed the first female President and Chairperson to lead the Union: Anne Vilas.

Anne has worked in the sports industry for more than 30-years, particularly on the marketing of the GM brand with various professional cricketers.

One of Vilas' three sons is former Proteas wicketkeeper batsman Dane Vilas, who currently plays for Lancashire CCC on a Kolpak deal.

Vilas is a passionate cricket supporter and has worked in the sports industry for more than 30-years, particularly on the marketing of the GM brand with various professional cricketers.

“I am extremely humbled to be elected as the first woman President and Chairperson of CGL and look forward to working with my two Vice-Presidents, Ebrahim Lambat and Batlhalefeng ‘Lucky’ Lesele, my lead Independent Director Ziyanda Ngcobo and all the board of directors.

“We look forward to growing all cricket in our province especially focusing on growing the game in townships and rural areas. We understand that there are currently more pressing COVID-19 challenges and will not deter from those.

The former CGL President and Chairperson Jack Madiseng said: “Anne is extremely passionate about the sport; she has done a lot for many black African cricketers in Gauteng. She has held a lot of leadership roles at CGL, being the Vice-President for two terms.

Jono Leaf-Wright, Central Gauteng Lions CEO said: “As we move towards transforming CGL; gender equality and opportunities to show off the strength of women within our extended cricketing family is key. It is pleasing and exciting that a predominantly male dominated Board unanimously elected the first female President of the Central Gauteng Lions.

“I am equally pleased that another female Board member, Ziyanda Ngcobo, a practicing attorney at one of South Africa’s top law firms, was also unanimously elected as the lead Independent Director of the CGL Board and confirmed for many that transformation on every level will be a priority and a top agenda item for the new Board.

John Stephenson


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